The Struggling Economy and Its Effect on Education

March 12, 2009

It’s no secret that the economy is in trouble. The number of job openings is down 31 percent from a year ago. Since December 2007, there have been more than 2.7 million layoffs. Some economists say these are the worst statistics they’ve seen in 25 years.


To make matters worse, in Summit County (Ohio), more than 52,000 adults over the age of 25 lack a high school diploma. A sad, yet true statistic.


In Maryland, it’s estimated that about 30 percent of Baltimore city residents don’t read at a sufficient level or don’t have a high school diploma.


In addition to the Summit County residents without a high school diploma, Project Learn’s enrollment has increased because students realize they need better skills to compete and succeed in the workplace.


More companies are requiring that applicants possess college degrees for employment. Laid off workers are going back to school to earn their GED diplomas, in hope that it will lead to a job. Our students understand the dilemma that is before them. The first step to overcoming this problem is to get their GED diplomas. The next step is to acquire additional career training and higher education. proud-graduate3


Project Learn had 200 GED graduates last year. This year we are expecting close to 300 graduates. But we’re not the only program to see a spike in our graduation statistics.


Middletown City Schools’ Adult Education program saw 505 people earn their GED last year. With three months still left in this academic year, about 400 people have earned their GED so far.


The South Baltimore Learning Center (SBLC) has seen a jump in general interest and enrollment in both its GED and External Diploma classes. SBLC has even increased its classes and offerings by about 20 percent to accommodate interested students.


Pretty amazing, huh?


But what do you to when the number of students is increasing, but the amount of money you have is decreasing? And despite the recent stimulus bill, it’s likely that it won’t help adult students tooking to get their GED diplomas.


Tough call.


Although it will get harder to serve students with a limited budget, it will be even harder to turn them away.


Find out how you can help by visiting or calling 330-434-9461. 


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