Educational Options

Can I go to college?

More than 90 percent of colleges accept GED graduates, including Kent State University and The University of Akron. Community colleges, such as Stark State College of Technology, also welcome GED graduates. Read more about associate’s vs. bachelor’s degrees, how to apply to college and area colleges to consider.

Here’s what a college degree can mean for YOU:

Earn more money

People who go to college almost always earn more money than those who don’t

  • According to the U.S. Census Bureau, a high school graduate makes $1.2 million in a lifetime compared to a person with a bachelor’s degree who averages $2.1 million in lifetime earnings.

Have more job opportunities

You’ll be ready and prepared for more interesting and challenging jobs.

  • More jobs than ever before require specialized training or a two- or four-year college degree. It’s estimated that by 2014, 90 percent of the fastest-growing careers will require some postsecondary education.
  • Your chances of finding a job increase by nearly 50 percent—if you have a college degree. Plus, jobs for college graduates typically offer more and better benefits.

Help your family

You can make a better life for your children.

  • Statistics show that if you go to college, it’s more likely your children will go, too. With more earning potential, you can provide more for your children, as well as parents and siblings.
  • Being first to go college can be hard, but it can help motivate you to apply and get started. Look for special programs for first-generation college students.

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