Hi, it’s Krista. Though I’ve been teaching GED classes for 7 years, I just recently began teaching at the Interval Brotherhood Home in Akron. I really enjoy working with the staff and clients here. The staff is very friendly and helpful. And the clients are very courteous and motivated to succeed.
If you’re not familiar with IBH, it is a 60-90 day drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. The treatment is nearly free to Summit County residents, due to local agencies that help with funding. One part of the clients treatment is to work towards their GED, if they need one. Project Learn provides this service.
My students here have given me even more things to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. Every year my family makes a list of at least 10 things that we are each grateful for and we read our lists during Thanksgiving dinner. My list usually includes the usual: family, health, happiness, etc. This year I am going to include something new, freedom from substances.
I have personally never had to worry about drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. I am extremely thankful that I don’t even have to think about avoiding these things; I grew up in an environment that made it easy for me to abstain. I now have a new insight into how fortunate I have been. There are many people out there that have not been as lucky as me.
I have a great respect for the men and women that have to fight their addictions daily. It humbles me to work with such extraordinary people. I’m grateful to Project Learn for giving me the opportunity to teach at IBH. It’s going to be a great year, full of thankfulness.